Erika Larkin's Golf Blog

Erika Larkin is a Certified PGA Professional. She is the Director of Instruction at Stonewall Golf Club in Gainesville, Virginia and operates the Larkin Golf Learning Community. This blog is an outlet for her thoughts on all things golf and golf instruction instruction related. Check out for info about her lesson programs and rates. Enjoy!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Book #4 White Pearl

White Pearl & I: A memoir of a political refugee, by Svetlana Kim

Okay, this is not a golf book. Instead, an inspirational one that I highly recommend (with a few good lessons that could be applied to life and of course golf). This is an autobiography of a Korean-Russian woman who made an unbelievable journey to this country- and pursued the American Dream; a real rags to riches tale. As she tells her story she flashes back to the wisdom and stories of her grandmother, affectionately called White Pearl. She did have to overcome a lot and had a few hurdles to cross but it almost seems like she was "lucky", in the right place at the right time. She randomly met people who helped her out of the goodness of their heart. She was given opportunities by people that saw her passion and drive and she made the most of them everytime. Svetlana was always hard working, and even when things did not go her way, she never gave up the hope of what she thought she could be, she wasn't afraid to leave what she "knew" at home, and never ever felt sorry for herself. Afterall, this was America- anything was possible.

I think to some degree what she practiced was the "Laws of Attraction". If you're not familiar with what that means, its an actual theory based on Plato's the Law of affinity. It states that like attracts like when speaking of elements, and even electromagnetic forces. Because we as humans have electrical and chemical composition we too are affected by this and will tend to gravitate to those ideas, things and people that are similar to us physically, mentally, etc. We can attract and write to some degree, our own destiny. So, for life or even for golf, know this:
  • You must know where you are going in order to get there. (Set goals!)
  • Don't let small setbacks discourage you- keep your hope up ( doesn't this sound like a round of golf?)
  • Visualize what you want your life/golf game to be and believe that it can really happen.
  • Creating your own reality, looking for the upside in situations and having a good attitude is more than half the battle in teaching your goals. (you'll play better golf when you're positive)
  • Surround your self with information and people that can help you get there. No one reaches there goals without help from others. Who is your White Pearl?
  • Don't be afraid of the unfamiliar...(new experiences, feelings, information) embrace it.
I hope even without reading the book, you might find some inspiration in those ideas. But I would highly encourage you to check it out.


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