Erika Larkin's Golf Blog

Erika Larkin is a Certified PGA Professional. She is the Director of Instruction at Stonewall Golf Club in Gainesville, Virginia and operates the Larkin Golf Learning Community. This blog is an outlet for her thoughts on all things golf and golf instruction instruction related. Check out for info about her lesson programs and rates. Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Book #1 The Game Before the Game

This book was written by Lynn Marriott & Pia Nilsson ( Annika's longtime coaches). They have several good books out, but this one is great because it gives specific practice ideas for make practice more effective and fun : practicing with a purpose and finding the art in practice.

They break down practice into different themes and they give "perfect 30-min. practice" regiments for each of the following areas: warming up, improving balance, improving tempo, having a good mental attitude, developing a solid routine, putting skills, keys to golf fitness, developing focus, and more. Not all of their recommendations involve on-course activities, some are internal /meditative and many could be easily adapted to indoor use. There are great on-course transfer practice ideas too.

Along the way they stress that you have to continue to find the fun and passion in the sport. I agree this is very important. Too many people (especially those who don't work with an instructor) practice mindlessly - it might be an outlet to relax, but if you're going to spend the time swinging around, I say, accomplish something!

A few of my favorite tips include:
  • Be "curious" when you practice... don't expect to know what you might learn... be open minded and discover as you go.
  • Make 8 swings alternating between 50 percent and 100 percent of full tempo
  • Putt for 5 minutes to a hole with your eyes closed. Estimate where you think the ball ended up before you look.
  • Say 5 things to a friend that you think you are good at in golf.
  • Hit 6 shots with different grip pressures, starting with 3 fingers on each hand... then all your fingers but lightly as possible, each shot should get tighter and tighter. Evaluate which grip pressure felt the best.
More info on these great ladies and their coaching at they even have a nice portable version/coaching cards that are great to bring with you to the course to remember the drills and ideas.


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