Newt and Golf... ? :) OWN IT!
Living near Washington D.C. I may be more in tune to politics than if I lived elsewhere, but I couldn't help get inspired the other night after watching the SC Republican Presidential debate. If you didn't see it, Newt Gingrich made a great point about how he would help create jobs- he would help people find a job (any job- even janitorial work) ... then teach them to get a BETTER job... then teach them to OWN the job. So how does this apply to golf? I think a lot of golfers have this mentality that they can just skip steps and find the swing cure tomorrow, gain 20 yards or drop 10 strokes with a magic tip or new golf club. So listen to Newt (and me) ...start by learning the basics, improve your skills, then master your skills then you will OWN YOUR GAME!