Happy New Year! 2010 is going to be an exciting year. I have accepted a new contract with Stonewall Golf Club in Gainesville, VA
(www.stonewallgolfclub.com) to run my golf programs there as their first ever Director Of Instruction. Please stay posted on my website for a full calendar of programs. I will be doing all of my booking online through www.smarterlessons.com, and you can also sign up for a mailing list to receive newsletters on the CONTACT page of my website. Stonewall is a very beautiful golf course and practice facility. I look forward to spending my time there and having you come visit me!
On a sad note this means that I have officially ended my time at the place I've called "home" for the last six years, International Country Club. I will also no longer be teaching at 1757 Golf Club or Virginia Oaks Golf Club.
Have a great winter and I look forward to seeing you when the snow melts!